Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It was OK

You know how you love a movie so much, you talk it up to all of your friends. You tell them how amazingly awesome it was. How you cried, laughed, sighed, and loved it so much you'd watch it 100 more times.... Then, you watch it with your friend. You keep glancing at their face to make sure that they are feeling the awesomeness you felt the first time you watched it. You're distracted the entire movie, because you want them to love it as much as you do. Halfway through you are wondering why in the heck aren't they melting into a puddle of tears, and they definitely must have been spacing out when they didn't laugh at the funniest scene ever put in a movie. The movie ends, and your waiting on them to get on their hands and feet and thank you and Jesus that they were allowed to experience this greatness. Instead, they say, "It was ok".

And in the back of your mind, you can't help but wonder if you built the movie up too much before they had the chance to soak it in for themselves.

This is EXACTLY how I'm feeling about my website. I'm so stinkin excited I can't stand it. I hope it is A-mazing. But I worry that as much as I've been talking about it, you're going to get there and say, "It's ok". Problem is there is no stopping me from continuing to talk about it. :)


hopemartin said...

when is the site debuting?

Anonymous said...

I happen to think your new site will be great! :P