Monday, November 17, 2008

This picture of Steven & Jenny is one of my faves!
Check out these leaves below. Gorgeous!
My house is clean, my baby is asleep, HGTV and TLC are battling it out for my attention, and I'm working away on some pictures. It's a Monday! For the first time in my entire life...I love them, Mondays that is! I try to make Monday like a Saturday or Sunday, because I'm usually busy on the weekends shooting, doing church stuff, or hanging out with family and friends.

I also got a couple new emails from people who loved their pictures. I love, heart, adore emails, and I love comments just as much!!! Compliments to what I'm doing inspire me, they get me going, they charge my batteries, they make me smile, they are the wind beneath my photographer wings, you get the point. So in short, thank you to clients and potential clients who comment and keep commenting. You freakin' rock! :)


hopemartin said...

looks great

Anonymous said...

Can Christians say "freakin"?