Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gray plays in an electrical outlet. I "tap" the top of Gray's hand and say "No!" Gray looks at me like I'm crazy and reaches for the outlet again. I "tap" the top of Gray's hand a little harder and say "No!" Gray looks at me and taps the top of my hand back. I laugh. Couldn't help it.

For those of you who have been keeping up with Gray and the strawberry: The doctor postponed our surgery, because he was attacked by Satan and hates me to the inner core. That's my personal take on the situation. It will now take place on Dec. 23rd, because....well read the sentence above!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh! Nicki

Anonymous said...

Gray is the cutest baby I have ever seen. She is so funny with all of her different faces.
Aunt Casi

Katie said...

I love the last picture. She it too cute!! Hope the surgery goes well.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that her maternal g-poppie is a studpup? Just something I heard.

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures! She is so beautiful!

kellyn2girls1boy said...

We will be praying for you this week. Hope all goes well.