Monday, November 24, 2008

The Rusbacks: Family

Meet the Rusbacks: Tom, Michelle, and Maddie. I met Michelle when her family moved to South Carolina last year, and she landed a job at Loris Elementary. She is one of the people I miss getting to see on a regular basis! I had so much fun catching up and shooting her family, especially Maddie. I think I chuckled through the entire shoot, because I could not get over the poses and faces that were coming from this little girl. As we were leaving, Maddie fell down and lost her shoe. Michelle started laughing and told me this happens on a regular basis. She went on to explain that Maddie pretends to be Cinderella leaving a glass slipper behind for her prince, a lot. How cute is that??? Click the title and see more of Maddie's mad posing skills!


michelle said...

You could not have captured Maddie's personality any better. Every picture makes me smile-I LOVE them! Thank you for the wonderful memories and the beautiful pictures that will last a lifetime!

hopemartin said...


Anonymous said...

These faces! She makes them every day :) You definately captured the essence of Maddie haha

Anonymous said...

Maddie is my neice. I live in Ohio and I got online to see the pics today. How cute. This is definiately Maddie. You couldn't have captured her any better. These are fabulous photos. Good job!!! Wendy Rusback