Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Making Some Changes

Along with my 30 day changes, I'm trying to work on some business changes as well. I have changed my business name after much thought and spelling my last name 100x for people. For those of you who don't know, Gray is my middle name, as well as my daughters. I thought the new name of my business (hannah gray photography) was completely appropriate, because Gray (my daughter) is the sole reason that I have quit teaching and get to pursue this dream. My domain later this week will be; I'll let you know when it's working! I'm also working on enhancing other things on my blog. Check out these bigger and better pictures! Know some one who is getting married? I'm booking for the 2009 wedding season. Send them my info before prices go up in January!


Check out this show!


The Morgan Family said...

AMAZING!!! I'm truely impressed!!! I hope you don't mind my lurking your blog - I can learn much from your work!