Sunday, September 21, 2008


After a full week, I am utterly exhausted. For those people who have their picture already painted of a stay at home, I am here to tell you.......there is not a lot of peace, rest, and serenity. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE IT! I think some of my exhaustion has a lot of to do with not having Daddy around. He is at football every night until dinner. Monday is mygroup. Either Tuesdays or Wednesdays, he is playing softball. Thursdays and Fridays are game days, a lot of them far away. Saturday is my big workday. Sunday, we might as well hang it up, because we are sleeping.

The other reason for operation wear down is probably because I am just as busy, but with a baby on my hip. Each job comes with a different love and passion, some (like coaching) I have had to put by the way side for now. Currently: I love to do Rock_It Power, my church's kid ministry. I have a passion for those kids and want to have the best program around!!! I love being able to once a month help teachers figure out how to best teach the Everyday Math Program. I love, love, love photography and all the jobs and people coming my way! I love being a mom! I love being a wife! I have always described myself as a jack all trades and master of none. :)

P.S. Check out another logo tryout, let me know what you think.
P.S.S. I am going to bed!