Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gray plays in an electrical outlet. I "tap" the top of Gray's hand and say "No!" Gray looks at me like I'm crazy and reaches for the outlet again. I "tap" the top of Gray's hand a little harder and say "No!" Gray looks at me and taps the top of my hand back. I laugh. Couldn't help it.

For those of you who have been keeping up with Gray and the strawberry: The doctor postponed our surgery, because he was attacked by Satan and hates me to the inner core. That's my personal take on the situation. It will now take place on Dec. 23rd, because....well read the sentence above!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Dorman Bunch

Dear Internet,

Long time, no write. My deepest apologies. It's all the turkeys fault. It brings out the lazy in me, and it's a lazy that's oh so hard to repress. But I am back, rested, and better than ever. I've brought you a peace offering. The Dorman pictures. They are an awesome family with hearts of a servant, whether to our church or many of them to our country. David, the dad, is so talented and can do anything. I gave him the nickname Martha Villa a long time ago (That would be Martha Stewart and Bob Villa all wrapped up into one hands-on creative genius.). He has put many of his talents to work in his store, Palmetto Farms.

Andrew, the oldest guy, has been married for a couple of years and rocks out on the guitar in our band. His wife, Jenn, is beautiful! Adrianne, the only girl, is marrying Jake sometime..... (She will be deployed to Iraq in February, and there is a chance Jake will follow her there in November about the time she will be leaving.) Devin is SINGLE. That's all you need to know. If you'd like more info. (ladies only, per his request) send me a comment.

I hope you enjoy the pictures internet. Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

***Click the title for more pics.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Rusbacks: Family

Meet the Rusbacks: Tom, Michelle, and Maddie. I met Michelle when her family moved to South Carolina last year, and she landed a job at Loris Elementary. She is one of the people I miss getting to see on a regular basis! I had so much fun catching up and shooting her family, especially Maddie. I think I chuckled through the entire shoot, because I could not get over the poses and faces that were coming from this little girl. As we were leaving, Maddie fell down and lost her shoe. Michelle started laughing and told me this happens on a regular basis. She went on to explain that Maddie pretends to be Cinderella leaving a glass slipper behind for her prince, a lot. How cute is that??? Click the title and see more of Maddie's mad posing skills!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Blake & Brooke: The Bling

Come on girls, we've all done it. You high school, we tend to be overwhelmed with the hunkiness of guys either our age or older. Only in rare cases do we see our-senior-selves pursuing and trying to develop a relationship with a "sophmore" boy. Such was the case for Brooke and Blake. After high school, both went off to college in hopes of finding an education???...NO! True Love, of course. But after failing, ridiculous, underserving men and women had their chance, they might have left with a BA, but left without their MR & MRS. Thankfully, Brooke takes care of her pearly whites, and after a fateful trip to the dentist's office back home, where she ran into Blake's mom, love was about to be in the air. The rest, as they say, is history. After a romatic ride on the ocean in Hilton Head, Blake pledged his love to Brooke and asked her to spend the rest of her life with him. They are beyond perfect together, and I am thrilled that my friend, Brooke, has finally ended up with the right guy at the right time. Thank you again for asking me to document this special time for you and Blake! **** The video is sweet, but the quality.....eeehhh. Click on the title to see more of their pics.

Jenny & Steven: The Big Day

She was from out of town looking for a new set of friends. He lived in this town but was always open to expanding his circle of friends. Through one message sent via the Internet, the rest is history. You could say, and most of their family does say, that this couple was brought together for a special purpose. This purpose not only being to bring love into each other's lives, but to decide together that it was of the utmost importance to invest their love and lives into following Christ. Jenny & Steven, your wedding was beautiful and perfect. I'm so glad that you are a part of the Rock and happy that you let me capture your very special day!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Saturday Spring Pics; Location: Greenville

I've had lots of emails and comments from friends in the upstate about taking their pictures. I've been thinking about planning a Saturday of Spring Pics in Greenville, if I can generate enough interest to make it worth my while. If you are around the Greenville Area and are interested in having your pictures done in the Spring, please comment or send me an email. As soon as I get enough, I'll post a where, when, how much kind of thing, and start booking.

I have just a few more session slots before Christmas. Grab your cute pea coats, scarves, tobaggans & gloves and give me a ring!!! I'm off to Charleston tomorrow, but I'll "holla" back tomorrow night! :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

This picture of Steven & Jenny is one of my faves!
Check out these leaves below. Gorgeous!
My house is clean, my baby is asleep, HGTV and TLC are battling it out for my attention, and I'm working away on some pictures. It's a Monday! For the first time in my entire life...I love them, Mondays that is! I try to make Monday like a Saturday or Sunday, because I'm usually busy on the weekends shooting, doing church stuff, or hanging out with family and friends.

I also got a couple new emails from people who loved their pictures. I love, heart, adore emails, and I love comments just as much!!! Compliments to what I'm doing inspire me, they get me going, they charge my batteries, they make me smile, they are the wind beneath my photographer wings, you get the point. So in short, thank you to clients and potential clients who comment and keep commenting. You freakin' rock! :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

College = A Long Time Ago

At times college feels like 25 years ago! Today, it felt like just yesterday, because I got to hang out with a friend from my North Greenville days, Brooke. We chatted away about old friends, new marriages, new babies, and old memories. It was fantastic. On top of all that, I got to hear the story of how Blake entered her life for the second time, and what he did to pop the question and hand over her beautiful bling! I'll make sure to share their story when I post all of their pictures.

Blake and Brooke thanks for driving down. I had so much fun! Hope these pictures tide you over until the rest are through!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just A Saturday....

So, I had two shoots today but because of the horrible thunderstorms, that never came, we postponed both of them. Sometimes I despise the weather and the weather people. Ok, done with the negative and on to the positive. I did have all day Saturday to chillax at home with my in-laws, husband, and Gray. During the afternoon, we sat around and laughed at Gray, while I edited away on Jenny & Steven's wedding (I'm half way through!!!!). Later, we ventured to the mall. ***Side Note: If I had a life savings, I could spend it on little girls clothing. I love them. Side Note Over**** We ended the night with me cooking dinner! Then, my family, minus one came to hang out. Tomorrow will be a busy day! Church from morning to afternoon, a quick lunch, and then meeting Brooke & Blake, who you will meet on my blog later this week, for an engagement shoot! I'm still looking for some people to finish out my wedding booking season for 2009. If you know anyone who is getting married and is interested, give them my link ! Word of mouth is the best compliment you can give me. Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

The pics are from Jenny & Steven's wedding. Some random shots that I love. I'll blog more when I'm all done!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Carter Boys

Check out these two very handsome young men: Graham and Avery Carter. I asked them during the shoot if they were always "this" nice to each other, and they said no, and upon questioning confirmed that their mom wouldn't want pictures of them being mean! Ha! :) They are two very sweet kids and with these poses could be a future GQ cover! Thanks so much Julie and Patrick for having me take pictures of your boys, and thank you boys for traipsing around Conway and being such great sports. I hope you love all of your pictures! Click here for more photos of the Carter Boys!

*P.S* You can not type in and get my blog page, so WHEN you tell your friends, it will be easier to pass along! ;)

*P.S.S* Don't forget to check the posts below. There are a lot of new pictures up. Show each post your love and tell which is your favorite.

Melissa: Bride to Be

Two things crossed my mind as I prepared the pictures for this post. #1 I am a much better photographer since I took engagement pictures of Melissa and her future husband, Jonathan. Not being overtly cocky, but I am growing and I hope to never stop! #2 How thankful I am for Melissa. She is one of the MAIN reasons that I am on this photography journey. Earlier this year, before I stopped teaching, Melissa approached me about shooting her wedding. She knew that I didn't do weddings professionally, but she knew I loved taking pictures and had seen a few shoots I had done for friends. I agreed to do the wedding and started to think about the equipment I would need to do it. I talked with Kevin and before long had purchased my Nikon and lenses. I started reading ferociously about how to operate it, researching wedding websites and photographers, buying books on how to shoot weddings, and so on. One shoot with my new camera and growing passion led to another shoot and led to another shoot and 24 shoots in 2 1/2 months I am. What a whirlwind it has been! Thank you Melissa for helping fan the photography flame inside of me. You probably were just thinking about saving money for your wedding, but God used you to push me into the most unexpected career path. I know your wedding will be fabulousity, just like you!

Click here for Melissa's Slideshow.

P.S. Melissa wanted these pictures posted before her wedding, and she swore to me that Jonathan would never be on this site to see her pictures!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I met my friend Taraka my first year of teaching. She was one of the people who helped me keep my sanity, and she knows exactly what I'm talking about! Since that year, she's always been someone who is easy to talk to, thus her job as a therapist. Taylor came into Taraka's life about 2 years ago. She is a gorgeous little girl, as you can tell from her pictures. Taylor wasn't too happy to be dressed in a witch costume with a strange person standing in front of her holding a big black toy that made sounds and kept flashing, but after a while she warmed up and started giving me some grins to document. Thank you Taraka and Taylor for choosing me to take pictures that you will share with others this season. I hope to see you again soon!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Calhoun Family

Remember that adorable little pirate I posted a couple of weeks ago? He's back...along with his mom and dad, Mark and Kim. The Calhouns met me down at Myrtle Beach State Park to capture some photos of their family in 2008. In most of the pictures you will pick up on their laid back, care-free, up for whatever mood! You would never guess that they worked their way through millions of sand spurs and avoided bugs in the forest to get some of these pictures. :)
I was happy enough to have another chance to take pictures, but I was even happier to get another opportunity to know the Calhouns a little better. Calhouns, I hope you find some pictures that you love! Click here to see more pictures of the Calhouns.
***Look below to see some of the pictures coming up this week!

Look for these posts coming soon!!!!