Thursday, October 16, 2008

All About Me; The Daves Faves!

These are the Daves' Faves! Hope you liked. ***There is no link to a slide show for all of you, mom, who say that you can't get to see more pictures. :)
All About Me ?......
1. When was the last time you cried.
I cry all of the time now. The most random things bring tears to my eyes. The WORST was one night I was up watching ABC's Extreme Home Makeover. Family after family, I sobbed and sobbed!
2. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yes, I ended up in a pasture of cows. LONG STORY!
3. What is your perfect pizza?
If you ask my husband, I either have my mind made up, bound and determined, or I can't make a decision at all! Pizza falls in the "can't make a decision" category, and it totally depends on where you get it from...Papa Johns (Thin crust pineapple) Pizza Hut (pepp. & mushroom) Bellacinos (Chicken Alfredo) California Pizza (Buffalo Chicken or
Veggie)......See...Told Ya!
4. What was your most recent dream?
That while my mom and dad were babysitting Gray, they let her get bitten by another child. Then, I was paranoid she had aids. Weird, I know.
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years, I see myself as a mom to more than just Gray. I see myself having discovered the job where I can use each & every gift that God has given me. I see myself more in love with my husband. I see myself being a better friend. I see myself in a small self.centered crisis because I'll be 30. I see myself serving people through the Rock. I see myself looking at hundreds of people's pictures I have captured. ;)
***Ya like the new layout???


Anonymous said...

In freakin credible!

Anonymous said...

Pics look amazing honey. Hope you have a great day! Love you

Anonymous said...

Love the new page and the cute looks good. A few more pounds and I will have to have a Williams family photo shoot!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the new page, your hair, and the pics! Also, I remember the wreck into the pasture of cows!... Everything looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the new 'green look'... it is fun, fresh and artistically motivating (whew)... Molly

Beth Pensinger said...

I love the new layout. I love Forrest, Abby, and Dawson's pics. And who's that amazing woman at the top of the page?! I think she's beautiful on the inside and out!