This is a mass email I sent to almost everyone in my email book. Just by chance, you don't email me a lot, I'm posting it on my blog as well. And...what post would be complete without a picture. Check the bottom for a couple of ring shots from Jonathan and Melissa's Christmas wedding! ;) On to the email:
Hey Guys!
This time last year, I was on my way back to work for the first time since having my baby girl, Gray. It wasn't long until I really felt the Lord laying on my heart that I was supposed to step away from teaching and stay at home with Gray. Kevin, thought that I had lost my mind, and I couldn't blame him nor argue the point. I didn't know how we would be able to do it, but for some reason I had such peace that we would be taken care of....
I would have never in a million years thought that Jesus would help take care of us through a photography business. I have always loved art in every form (painting, drawing, building, decorating, dressing, graphics, crafting...), but never considered it could be a career. I am so excited to see where this business takes me, and to be honest, I sit and think over it...A LOT!
2008 picture season was A-mazing, thanks to a lot of you guys. Who would have thought that in four and 1/2 months I would have shot 28 sessions and 4 weddings??? NOT ME! I look back at the pictures in the beginning and know that if I could go back and shoot them now, they'd be so much better. (It's a perfectionist's blessing and curse.) But seriously, I feel like in such a short time, I have learned SO MUCH! And I hope that never-eva stops. :)
2009 picture season is going to be great as well! I have a lot of faith that God will again use me and a camera to provide for my family. It's scary and exciting at the same time. Some things I have already changed and others are in the process.
-One biggie is that I've redone my pricing handout. The prices have changed, the look is different, and after a lot of research and thought...I feel good about it. I'm attaching it to give you guys a preview.
-Another Change: Instead of doing one shoot a weekend, I'm trying to be smarter with my time and use one Saturday where I shoot a lot! I had a lot of requests from the upstate for some shoots, so you guys will have a Saturday to abuse as well!!! Holla. :) Take a look at the fliers I have attached and send it out to anyone you might think would be interested. Hopefully, (Thanks to Adrian & Steven) I can have it ran in the Horry Independent (local newspaper) as well! Best case scenario, I'll have to schedule more than one Saturday!
There are more changes that I'm looking forward to and praying over as well. There is no way I can advertise and give everyone the best impression of my images all alone, so join with me in sharing and praying for the year ahead. I've made a commitment to pray over each person I'm allowed to photograph this year. My dream in this business would be to do so well, that I can give back like a mad-crazy woman.
Thank you again for being the best clients and friends a photographer girl can have!
Hannah Gray